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Gary Neville: It’s high time, Glazers should sell the club now

Former Manchester United great Gary Neville has approached the Glazers to sell the club. He has blamed Glazers for the fan’s protest at Old Trafford.

The Glazers have been focused on as of late by United allies over the club’s bombed bid to join the now ancient European Super League, and Neville accepts the Red Devils have gotten stale under their possession.

He has said that Glazers should now give up on the club and let the club flourish. He knows that after their take over, United has failed to win anything. They have been rusty, slum, poor maintenance of the club, that lost hunger, everything seems dull. United needs to get going and be great again as they were years back.

Neville said while reporting to SkySports: “The Glazer family have been resilient and stubborn for many, many years. If you think about the club they picked up in 2004, it had the best stadium in the country, one of the best in Europe. The best training ground in the country, probably in Europe. A team that was getting to Champions League quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals regularly, and winning the league every season, or every other season. You look at the club now, this stadium I know it looks great here but if you go behind the scenes it’s rusty and rotting. The training ground is probably not even top five in this country, they haven’t got to a Champions League semi-final in 10 years and we haven’t won a league here for eight years. The land around the ground is undeveloped, dormant, and derelict, while every other club seems to be developing the facilities and the fan experiences. The Glazer family are struggling to meet the financial requirements, and the fans are saying enough is enough. My view on it quite simply is they’re going to make a fortune if they sell this football club, and if they were to put it up for sale now, I think the time would be right and it would be the honorable thing to do.”

Neville is so correct with his words as every United fan has been crying for the change in ownership. Manchester United needs to regain its lost glory. We all want that vintage United which was so great that every opponent should fear when they entered Old Trafford.

The fearsome atmosphere, the great legacy, we want everything back. We all say that it’s time for United to take a step for the fans now.

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