Jose Mourinho was more than jovial after the win against Burnley this Sunday. Maybe it was the happiness of a win or a revitalisation of belief that we can fight for title this season.
The awakening of faith in his team was cheered even by the fans after the match. The visiting fans were on their feet the whole match, which kept on rejuvenating the spirit in the manager who was bit sombre in the previous games.
The good side of Mourinho, which was black sided by the media was seen again in U-23 game of Manchester United against Stoke city where the manager spent a healthy 10 minutes with Alex Nield and other disabled fans. Again the Manager did not leave a chance to cheer the fans.
After the win against Burnley, the overwhelmed crowd were cheering Mourinho all over the field and the Boss did not disappoint them. He went over to the visitors area with his jacket on, walked into the stands and gave his jacket to one of the fan.
That’s Mourinho for you haters!
Calm and composed in his appearance, versatile in his field and poised in attitude.