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Mason Greenwood Agrees To Join Valencia

In a surprising turn of events, Mason Greenwood has agreed to personal terms with La Liga strugglers Valencia.

Reports from The Athletic had initially noted Valencia’s interest in the England attacker, but Spanish sources now claim that Greenwood has agreed to a contract with the club.

Mason Greenwood

Yet, the deal isn’t done. Manchester United wants a sale price of about £45-56 million for Greenwood, money that Valencia can’t and won’t pay. Even with this money issue, it’s thought Greenwood will still move from Manchester United this summer.

Greenwood played at Getafe on loan last year after Manchester United ended their look into the legal issues he had before, which are now gone.

United said Greenwood would look to move his career away from Old Trafford since he hasn’t played for them since January 2022 after his arrest.

In his time at Getafe, Greenwood stood out, netting 10 goals and setting up seven more in 36 matches in total.

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Despite his on-field wins, feelings among fans and people in England towards Greenwood stay mostly bad, making a move away would be a better path for his career.

This view is shared by Greenwood himself, who has expressed a desire to continue his career in a foreign league.

The negative perception in England makes it easier for him to pursue opportunities outside the country, and Valencia presents a potential new chapter for the young forward.

Mason Greenwood

While Valencia’s financial constraints pose a significant challenge, the agreement on personal terms indicates that Greenwood is serious about making the move.

It remains to be seen how the negotiations will unfold, given Manchester United’s hefty asking price.

For Valencia, securing a player of Greenwood’s caliber could be a major boost, especially as they struggle in La Liga.

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However, the financial aspects will be crucial in determining whether this transfer can proceed.

In conclusion, Mason Greenwood’s potential move to Valencia is a developing story with several hurdles to overcome.

While personal terms have been agreed upon, the substantial transfer fee demanded by Manchester United remains a major obstacle.

As negotiations continue, both clubs will need to find a compromise if Greenwood is to restart his career in Spain.

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