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Manchester United Targets Jhon Lucumi As Varane’s Replacement

Manchester United is stepping up plans to get Jhon Lucumi in their squad, a key defender from Bologna, who is ready to become Raphael Varane’s replacement.

Lucumi is now a main focus for the Red Devils, based on news from AS Colombia.

Lucumi, 25, showcased his versatility last season under Bologna manager Thiago Motta, predominantly featuring on the right side of defense.

Known for his left-footed prowess, Lucumi’s ability to excel in both central defensive positions has caught the attention of several European clubs, including United.



Jhon Lucumi

Bologna has set an initial asking price of £15 million for Lucumi, but with interest escalating, particularly from Premier League clubs, this figure could rise.

The Italian club currently holds 80% of his rights, with the remaining 20% belonging to Genk.

Despite interest from other clubs such as Bournemouth, AC Milan, and Napoli, Lucumi remains focused on representing Colombia in the Copa America before making any decisions about his future.

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His standout performances last season include a remarkable 94% passing accuracy in Serie A, the highest among all players in the league.

Defensively, he won 65% of his duels per game, alongside 1.7 tackles, 2.1 clearances, and 4.7 recoveries on average, contributing significantly to Bologna’s defensive stability with 10 clean sheets.

Lucumi, currently earning £16,000 per week at Bologna, could see a substantial wage increase with a move to Old Trafford, potentially quadrupling his earnings.

United is keen to offer him regular playing time, likely partnering him with Lisandro Martinez in central defense.

Jhon Lucumi

Getting Lucumi on board will be a smart move for Manchester United as they look to bulk up their defense for the next season.

With Varane likely leaving, the club views Lucumi as a top pick to add both strong defense and skill to their backline.

The talks show United’s drive to lock in key players early in the transfer period, aiming to shape a team that can fight for top spots in both EPL and European matches.

As they face off against other teams, United is hopeful about getting Lucumi and making him a key part of their team right away.

United’s pursuit of Lucumi symbolizes their commitment to fortifying their defense, aiming for success in domestic and European campaigns ahead.

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